Nicholas Mcintosh Active Duty

Specialist, Fireteam Leader

Forum profile
Length in service

Time in service

8 months, 5 days

Time in grade

5 months, 13 days





Fireteam Leader


Alpha Company, First Platoon, Second Squad


Active Duty

Secondary Positions
  • S3 - Operations - Force Improvement Group

    • 11B1H - Range Safety Officer
Aug 10, 2024 Force Improvement Group: Hired as Range Safety Officer (11B1H)
Jul 6, 2024 Returned from Leave of Absence
Jun 21, 2024 Leave of Absence approved, expected return date: 07/06/24
May 4, 2024 Alpha Company Rifle Requalifications
Jan 24, 2024 Completed One Station Unit Training (Private Class 24-01)
Jan 14, 2024 Enlisted
Aug 20, 2015 General Discharge
Jul 30, 2015 Assigned to Alpha Company, 1st Platoon, 2nd Squad
Jul 30, 2015 Inducted as a Private Second Class
Jul 30, 2015 Enlisted with the 3rd Infantry Division
Nov 24, 2014 General Discharge
Sep 7, 2014 Promoted to Corporal
Aug 3, 2014 Promoted to Specialist (E-4a)
Jun 2, 2014 Promoted to Private First Class (E-3)
Apr 23, 2014 Qualified on Obstacle Course (0:44.3)
Apr 23, 2014 Promoted to Private Second Class (E-2)
Apr 23, 2014 Graduated Basic Combat Training
Apr 13, 2014 Assigned to Second Squad (2/1/A/1-3rdID)
Apr 13, 2014 Inducted as Private Trainee (E-1)
Apr 13, 2014 Enlisted
Sep 9, 2024
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM)
Sep 8, 2024
Purple Heart (PH)
Aug 4, 2024
Good Conduct Medal (GCM)
Jun 2, 2024
Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM)
Jun 2, 2024
Overseas Service Bar
Jun 2, 2024
Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB2)
Apr 8, 2024
Good Conduct Medal (GCM)
Apr 7, 2024
National Defense Service Medal (NDSM)
Jan 24, 2024
Army Service Ribbon (ASR)
Jan 24, 2024
Marksmanship Badge (Expert)
Oct 5, 2014
Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB1)
Sep 7, 2014
Army Achievement Medal (AAM)
Jul 1, 2014
Good Conduct Medal (GCM)
Apr 23, 2014
Army Service Ribbon (ASR)
Aug 25, 2024 Operation Northern Lights - Finland: Mission Roman Empire
Aug 11, 2024 Operation Northern Lights - Finland: Mission Aztec
Aug 4, 2024 Operation Northern Lights - Finland: Mission Summer Siege
Jun 16, 2024 Operation Northern Lights - Finland: Mission Castle Breach
Jun 9, 2024 Operation Northern Lights - Finland: Mission IPA
Jun 2, 2024 Operation Northern Lights - Finland: Mission Dunkel
May 21, 2024 Operation Northern Lights - Finland: Mission Pale Ale
May 5, 2024 Operation Northern Lights - Finland: Mission Lager
Oct 6, 2014 Operation Pirate Purge - N'Ziawasogo - Mission Cleansweep
Sep 7, 2014 Operation Pirate Purge - N'Ziawasogo - Mission Foothold (AirField)
Sep 7, 2014 Operation Pirate Purge - N'Ziawasogo - Mission Recon Foothold
Apr 7, 2024
Jan 24, 2024
Private First Class
Aug 29, 2024 Alpha Company, First Platoon, Second Squad Fireteam Leader
Aug 29, 2024 S3 - Operations - Force Improvement Group 11B1H - Range Safety Officer
Jul 6, 2024 Alpha Company, First Platoon, Second Squad Fireteam Leader
Jun 21, 2024 Leave of Absence Fireteam Member
Jan 16, 2024 Alpha Company, First Platoon, Second Squad Fireteam Member
May 4, 2024 Qualified with Rifle (M16A2): Expert
Jan 24, 2024 Qualified with AR (M249): Sustained Fire
Jan 24, 2024 Qualified with Rifle (M16A2): Expert
Jan 24, 2024 Qualified with AT4 (M136): Expert
Jan 24, 2024 Qualified with Pistol (M17): Expert
Jan 24, 2024 Qualified with Grenade (M67): Expert
Jan 24, 2024 Qualified with GL (M320): Qualified
Apr 23, 2014 Qualified with Rifle (M16A2): Sharpshooter