Veterans Day 2024

By MAJ J.LaFlash , 11 Nov 2024 at 11:17 PM
  • MAJ J.LaFlash
    • Command Staff
    11 Nov 2024 at 11:17 PM

    Sergeant G.Nagy Reporting:

    Veterans Day, observed on November 11th, is a U.S. holiday dedicated to honoring military veterans who have served in the Armed Forces.

    The date marks the anniversary of the World War I armistice signed on November 11, 1918, symbolizing the end of hostilities in what was then called "the war to end all wars."

    Originally known as Armistice Day, the holiday was created in 1919 to commemorate the sacrifices of those who fought in World War I. In 1954, it was renamed Veterans Day to include all veterans,

    reflecting the nation’s gratitude for the bravery, commitment, and sacrifices made by service members in all wars and conflicts.

    Today, Americans celebrate with parades, ceremonies, and moments of silence, honoring both those who gave their lives and those who returned home.

    It is a time to reflect on the courage and resilience of veterans, to express appreciation for their service, and to remember the enduring quest for peace.

    By recognizing Veterans Day, we ensure that the contributions of those who served are never forgotten, and we reaffirm our commitment to supporting them in their civilian lives.