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  • Shaping Effort #16: Defend the City of Dilshad; Exploit the Enemy Defense


    Event details

    Shaping Effort #16: Defend the City of Dilshad; Exploit the Enemy Defense


    A/1-21IN: War Eagles Company has now established a foothold in the city of Dilshad and has established an HQ near the Airport. The Airport itself is set up to allow for refueling and rearming operations for 3CAB, but is still too dangerous to stage the aviation assets at. It can serve as a FARP but will not be the launching position until after the defeat of the 2-64th INF in the area. War Eagles Company is being tasked with defeating the 2-64th Counter Attack and to keep the City of Dilshad under Coalition control.

    B/1-21 IN: Bravo Company has been fully tasked with the defense along PL Gin due to the increased threat from the 3-28th Mech BN. They are currently overmatched by enemy forces and are currently set up to just conduct defensive operations. Coalition forces have determined that any further attacks from the East would be too costly.

    10th Polish Mech: The Polish forces are currently holding a defensive posture in order not to trigger a combined attack from 2-81st Armor BN and the remainder of the 2-64th Infantry BN. The Coalition leadership has agreed to halt offensive operations across the AO so War Eagles can be supported during their defense. Once War Eagles have defeated the Iranian Counter Attack they will attack to clear enemy forces from Kallista to Elmas and link up with War Eagles to stage for the assault on Bahijah. Their attack will be on order from Widowmakers leadership determination that the enemy's counter attack has been defeated.

    A/1-41 FA: 3rd ID has sent a Battery of Paladins into the AO to support operations in response to the amount of enemy indirect fires experienced from the Iranians in the past few weeks. They are currently stationed South of Jabirah and are in general support to all units in the area of operations. 

    Operation Overlay


    Enemy Situation across the Area of Operations: 

    28th Mech BDE has lost the City of Dilshad to Coalition forces. Because of this they have redirected their support elements to conduct a counter attack to secure Dilshad again. They are beginning to conduct desperate operations to regain momentum against Coalition forces. While they send the remainder of the 2-64th Infantry BN to retake Dilshad, the 3-28th Mech BN continues to hold a blocking position in the East and the 2-81 Armor BN continues to dig in their position to the West. The 1-28th Mech BN has been reinforced with BMP-1s from Iranian reserve forces but are still sitting at 40% strength at the moment. We anticipate that if the Iranian forces are not successful in Dilshad, they will conduct a secondary attack with either the 2-81th Armor BN or the 3-28th Mech BN to force Coalition forces to focus efforts elsewhere. The situation remains fluid and there are multiple options the Iranians may take if the defeats keep mounting.  Below is information obtained from the captured Officer and Soldiers during the Attack on Dilshad.

    - Enemy is coordinating Air Strikes in support of the attack of Dilshad. They will not stay in the AO but will conduct hasty strikes and exfill back into their airspace.

    - Enemy forces are going to attach a tank company to the main assault element from 2-81 AR BN for the assault on Dilshad.

    - We know that three SF Teams (12 personnel per team) will be included on the attack onto Dilshad. The Officer does not know how they will be incorporated but believes they will guide the three axis of attacks onto the city from the West on ground.


    2-64th Infantry Battalion:

    2-64th INF BN currently has two organic INF Companies, B/2-64 and C/264, and one AT Company, D/2-64,  that are the main forces. A Mech INF Company, C/1-28, has been attached to support the Battalions defense of the town of Dilshad. Additionally, one Company of Recon, one Platoon of D-30s, one Battery of dismounted AA TM ‘s,  and one Company of MI-24s with UAS support has been attached to the 2-64th INF BN for support in their defense of Dilshad.

    B/2-64: This element has retrograded to the East with the remainder of C/1-28 to regroup for the counter attack. Last known information is they are consolidating around Temira or Elmas. Due to their strength being degraded to 30%, we anticipate they will participate in a joint strike with the remainder of the 2-64th BN. They have been reinforced with a Platoon of 2S1’s from 2-81 Armor for the Attack. They are also the HQ in charge of the remainder of 2-64 INF and are headquartered in Elmas. We also anticipate that the enemy will do a combined assault with elements supporting this counter attack and use aircraft and large amounts of artillery prior to sending their forces to take the city.

    C/2-64: This Company has been eliminated through recent weeks and is no longer considered an element to consider. Any remaining assets have been incorporated into B/2-64 as reserve elements.

    D/2-64: The Company HQ was attacked by War Eagles Company last week. Because of this and their forces being sent to reinforce other Companies and their command and control element being neutralized, this element is no longer an organic unit and is split among the other Company's.

    C/1-28: This Company faced severe losses due to the success of 3CAB during the assault of Dilshad. Because of this, they have retrograded to the East around Temira and are preparing to send the last of their forces on the counter attack to secure Dilshad. They are considered the main effort in the counter attack and we expect a majority of any support to be part of their axis of attack. We also believe they have been reinforced with a Platoon of T-72’s and a Platoon of BTR-60’s to assist with their attack.


    2-81st Armor Battalion:

    2-81st AR BN currently has two organic AR companies, A/2-81 and C/2-81, that are the main forces of their unit. A Self propelled Artillery Battery, C/4-15, has been attached to support the Battalions defense in the western portion of the AO. C/4-14FA is serving as their reserve HQ and is in control of one platoon of T-72's , an AA Section, and a BTR Recon Platoon. Additionally, C/12 Helicopter attachment is also attached to the Battalion to assist with their defense. This detachment consists of 3 flights of 2 x KA-50's a piece. We believe these are is general support of their operations and are still ultimately controlled by the Brigade. B/2-81 is currently detached to 3-28 Mech BN in the north as part of their defense against any coalition forces coming from the East to Bahijah.

    A/2-81: This element is the forward defensive element in the East. their entire responsibility is to prevent the 10th Polish Mech forces from securing terrain north of Kallista. The yare in well dug in positions and are expected to stay in position as the rest of the AO undergoes their operations. WQe anticipate at least one platoon is being detached to assist with 2-64th INF for their counter attack on Dilshad.

    C/2-81: This Company is currently serving as the main defensive force between Labibah and the City of Bahijah. They are also in defensive positions but with their area so large, we expect their forces to be spread out along the area. We believe one Platoon is in the vicinity of Labibah and another in vicinity of Elmas. The last Platoon is expected to be in the vicinity of Bahijah to prevent the Brigades Armor forces to be lost in one area. Since this is their most advanced Company in the entire Brigade, we expect them to be more reserved with these elements then with the other Companies.

    C/4-15: This Battery is currently staged in Elmas as the HQ for the reserve forces for the Battalion. They are in charge of a platoon of Recon BTR's, a Platoon of T-72's, and a section of ZSU's to act as a last line of defense against an enemy breakthrough. We anticipate that their main task and purpose is to ensure the pass between Elmas and Bahijah remains blocked for the Brigade. We do not anticipate this element to be sent south at any point to attack coalition forces unless they truly believe they can win the fight.


    War Eagle Company: War Eagles will conduct a defense in depth in vicinity of the City of Dilshad no later than 19 NOV 23 in order to retain the City of Dilshad under Coalition forces control. On order, War Eagles will conduct a counter attack to the town of Elmas to link up with the 10th Polish Mech for the assault on the City of Bahijah.

    Widowmaker Platoon: 
    - Conduct a defense in depth of the City of Dilshad to prevent enemy forces from securing the main logistical hub in the AO.

    - Be prepared to conduct exploitation operations on OBJ Termite in order to stage in preparation for the assault on Bahijah. Concurrently, link up with the 10th Polish Mechs forces to coordinate with the follow on attack. It will be on the command of Widowmaker 6 or 7 to trigger the 10th Polish Mech to move north to assist with the attack on OBJ Termite.

    - Be prepared to Identify a patrol base location no larger than 75 by 75 meters in order to be staged and prepared for the assault of Bahijah. The Patrol Base must be south of the town of Elmas. Additionally, coordinate with the 10th Polish Mech’s commander to identify where they can stage their equipment in preparation for the Assault on Bahijah. Their callsign is Legion 6.

    Griffins Platoon: 
    - Establish a Screenline to identify enemy forces in the northern, central, and southern approaches to confirm the enemy is committing their heavy armor to the southern advance, enablers in the central advance, and infantry forces in the northern advance.

    - Establish a Screenline to delay enemy infantry and enabler forces advance depending on the axis they choose. Identifying indicators that show which axis these elements take is key to the success of War Eagles mission.

    - Be prepared to conduct an Area Reconnaissance on OBJ Termite in order to identify enemy forces and the enemy HQ for War Eagles as they conduct exploitation operations. This will occur if the enemy's attack to secure Dilshad is successful.

    - Provide CCA (Close Combat Aviation) for War Eagles Company in the defense of the City of Dilshad.

    - Transport 3 transport HMMWVs to the Airport of Dilshad at the beginning of the operation so 3CAB can use it as the main operating base for the following weeks.

    - Be prepared provide CCA (Close Combat Aviation) for 10th Polish Mech as they conduct an attack to clear north to the town of Elmas.

    Company Operations Overlay Phase 1


    Company Operations Overlay Phase 2


    Additional Resources:

    Currently a platoon of Paladins from 1-41 FA BN in support of operations. Their current priority of Fires is as follows:

    1) A”War Eagles” /1-21 IN

    2) 10th Polish Mech

    3) B/1-21 IN

    This is currently the capability of the Artillery asset.


    High Explosives (HE)

    10 x Fire Missions

    Smoke (SMK)

    3 x Fire Missions

    Illumination (Illum)

    3 x Fire Missions

    FASCAM (Mines)

    2 x Fire Missions

    Cluster munitions (DPICM)

    4 x Fire missions


    War Eagles is first in priority for Fires, we are allocated four targets to plan and use during the operation. These targets must be briefed to Company leadership prior to stepping off with a grid and target description

    Additionally Coalition forces have Air detection Radar to provide situational awareness of enemy enabling assets. This can be requested in our AO, but we only will be authorized one 30 minute period of coverage from the radar system. Requests for coverage time must be requested to Company prior to step off for Widowmakers Platoon.

    Rules of Engagement: 
    - Enemy uniformed personnel are free to engage within the assigned AO. Any engagements outside of the Company AO must be approved by Company leadership. No indirect fires (IDF, Aerial, and Mk19) within 250 meters of any building unless confirmed there is no civilian presence or approval from Company leadership. Civilians can not be engaged unless they show hostile intent or are approved by Company Leadership. Due to recent incidents, any incidents that violate the ROE will result in revocation of assets for future operations.

    - Due to recent overuse of munitions for our drone, 3CAB is limited to a total of 9 Hellfire missiles during the operation.

    - Coalition forces have identified that operational level Anti-Air assets have been detected in the vicinity of the AO. AGL Altitude for all aerial assets is 2000 meters. Anything higher could trigger them utilizing those Anti-Air assets.

    General Instructions


      4. 2ND SQUAD, GHOST
      9. 2ND SQUAD, WIZARD




     1. C-130 HERCULES x 2
     2. AH-64 APACHE x 3
     3. UH-60 BLACKHAWK x 3
     4. CH-47F CHINOOK x 2
     5. MQ-1 PREDATOR x 1
     9. FIM-92 STINGERS
     10. FGM-148 JAVELINS

    Special Instructions

    (a) MINE DETECTORS: Squad and Fireteam Leaders should use mine detectors at all times due to the risk of anti-personnel mines and IED.

    (b) DEFUSAL KITS: For defusing explosives noted above (Rangers only).

    (c) WIRE CUTTERS: For disassembling Concertina Wire obstacles.

    (d) DEMOLITION CHARGES: M112 Demolition Blocks for destroying enemy caches and other targets as needed (Rangers only).

    (e) FIM-92 STINGERS: For destroying enemy aircraft.

    (f) FGM-148 JAVELINS: For destroying enemy armor.

    Chain Of Command








    (a) GROUND-TO-AIR: FREQ LR CH 60/61/62

    (b) COMPANY NET: 152 CH 30

    (c) PLATOON NET: 152 CH 31/32

    (d) SQUAD NET: 152 CH 110/120/130/140/150/210/220

    (e) CONVOY NET: FREQ LR CH 33/34

    (f) FIRES NET: FREQ LR CH 30



    28th Mechanized Brigade Task Organization:


    2-64th Infantry Battalion Task Organization:


    2-81st Armor Battalion Task Organization:


    Templated Enemy positions (Intel is based off of the Officer interrogation):




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