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  • S2 Review Meeting- SL's/ Flight Leaders and Above

    Unit Meetings

    Event details


    This meeting will occur at 1300EST on the 2nd of December, 2023. The purpose of this meeting is to allow leadership within the Company to sit down with S2 members to discuss the last deployment and topics covering the upcoming deployment. Below the following topics will be covered in order:

    1) Feedback on the location and theme of this last deployment.

    2) Feedback on the enemies faced of this last deployment.

    3) Feedback on variation of missions and tasks of this last deployment.

    4) Feedback on Zeus style and methods of enemy control of this last deployment.

    5) Themes and ideas to decide on for this next deployment. This will include overall theme as well as generated options for the unit to possibly decide on.

    6) Additional mods that would be recommended or taken away to support the next deployment (once a theme is essentially decided on).


    This meeting will be led by 2LT Vandle and supported by the rest of the S2 shop. The idea is to create a deployment that Soldiers in the unit want to see and experience, to ensure Soldiers of the unit enjoy the deployment, and to ensure that deployments fit the overall realism goal of the unit. The purpose of inviting SL's/Flight Leaders and above is to allow the leaders with the largest influence in the unit to be able to have a say on deployments and what could be most beneficial to the unit. IT IS NOT MANDATORY FOR THESE LEADERS TO SHOW UP BUT IT IS ENCOURAGED SO YOUR ELEMENTS VOICE IS HEARD.


    If you have any questions feel free to reach out to 2LT Vandle (S2 OIC) or MSG Garcia (S2 NCOIC). If not we look forward to seeing you there.



    Unit Intelligence Shop

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