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    • US ARMY Celebrates its 249th Birthday!

      Official 249th Army Birthday Video | U.S. Army

      (Source: https://www.army.mil/)

      Almost two and a half centuries ago today the Continental Congress established what will later become the United States army. 

      Since its birth the army has proven vital in both the initial domestic and later foreign struggles the newly born, or seasoned, U.S. found itself. 
      Every year a ceremony is held at Arlington National Cemetery, with the goal of paying tribute to those who paid the ultimate price. 

      For this year the theme is “Honoring the Past, Defending the Future.”, putting a classical focus on the importance of remembering and looking up to the past actions of those before, while making sure there is a future to continue looking back. 
      As many around the U.S. gather to celebrate this event, veterans and community members join in order to recall all that was done, witnessed and head forward with renewed respect for those who set the traditions they now follow. 

      As the U.S. army heads towards its 250th birthday next year, we wish all current and retired service members an enjoyable celebration.

    • Flag Day


      Flag Day, celebrated on June 14th, is a significant yet often overlooked holiday in the United States. It commemorates the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by the Second Continental Congress. This day serves as a reminder of the nation's history, unity, and the values that the flag represents.

      The origins of Flag Day can be traced back to 1885, when Bernard J. Cigrand, a schoolteacher in Waubeka, Wisconsin, arranged for his students to observe June 14 as "Flag Birthday." His efforts to promote the celebration of the flag gained traction over the years. By 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation establishing June 14 as Flag Day, and in 1949, Congress officially designated it as National Flag Day, recognizing its importance in American culture and history.

      The American flag, with its thirteen stripes and fifty stars, symbolizes the country's evolution and expansion. The stripes represent the original thirteen colonies that declared independence from Britain, while the stars signify the fifty states that make up the union. Over time, the flag has become an emblem of freedom, democracy, and the enduring spirit of the American people.

      Flag Day is an opportunity for citizens to reflect on the principles of liberty and justice that the flag embodies. Communities across the nation engage in various activities to honor the day, including parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and educational programs. Schools often incorporate lessons about the history and significance of the flag, fostering a sense of patriotism and respect among students.

      Flag Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it is a celebration of the American spirit and the values that the flag represents. As citizens honor the flag, they also reaffirm their commitment to the principles of freedom, equality, and unity that define the United States. Through educational efforts and community involvement, Flag Day continues to inspire patriotism and a deeper appreciation for the nation's history and heritage.

    • OSUT graduates #24-23



      Congratulations to the soldiers of OSUT class 24-23 (Arma3) for successful completion of training! These soldiers have been awarded the Army Service Ribbon and have earned the right to be full active members of their squad and the unit! This is merely the first step in your career here at 3rdID, we look forward to your continued success! Hooah

      Graduates :

      image.png.0dbaf8e17aa6185144c01779f33f3673.png PFC A.McFarland image.png.5d1e0a38998d5ecd5acc74ce16605f6e.pngimage.png.b842e865e4802eed65ba43389189a13c.png image.png.ee0cebea1453601a2add034128d65fd1.png     

      image.png.b3ab0d17e0950c6dc7cd78fae7448912.png PV2 Z.Hudson   image.png.e55d9ed76c4328e358f5dc305d5cc6ca.png image.png.57d5cbe663de2a25a889f825b1c8a7ab.png                         

      image.png.67786c68ca24e8e23b136fb395ecdb9c.png PV2 C.Minev  image.png.b5bbb774b7b52bbeee24b5f5b9838002.png image.png.ccd6cc9591e3a0db6ab98ec78b92568c.png                           

      image.png.31bb1ddda49ca2e79fa0b61804c685ca.png PV2 T.Lanza  image.png.e025afd932a7cc782b509e136f934cc6.png image.png.a8db78b2406ced1ecb3d061dbbeb2c66.png                           


      Instructors :

      image.png.8e4e2fd365427dbf7190fce817ddca35.png SGT A.Shocked        

      image.png.da2df1aecf4d1e1ee637f302f241148c.png CPL B.Fitzgerald      

      image.png.e4b5860d32fe09c94f1878f179ed3fd7.png CPL J.Starling           

      image.png.ba36081b1ee4090c93940b4ecc32e0e8.png SPC M.Alther           

      image.png.3a7a13059affe90ba5f4918c9fb4ebd1.pngSPC D.Hughson       

      image.png.9d3f99c6841f7142b5330120369f6d7e.png SPC A.Zvik                 

      image.png.d0d2f4c9101cb8abee4d3ba6d2bd66a1.png SPC B.Montana        





    • Alpha company ceremony 09June24


      Alpha co. opening notes

      First Platoon Widowmakers has opened the Radio Telephone Operator (RTO) billet, here are the responsibilities and requirements:


      Conducting reconnaissance and surveillance to gather critical intelligence.

      Observing and reporting enemy activities and movements.

      Coordinating with 3CAB to deliver accurate and timely Landing Zone and/or Drop Zone operations.

      Utilizing advanced technology and communication equipment to relay vital information.

      Position Requirements

      Open to all current 11B, 19D and 68W.

      Advanced Radio Communications Course Qualified.

      Holds rank of E-4 Specialist at time of application.

      Pathfinder School Graduate (Prefered).

      Advanced knowledge of Task Force Arrowhead Radio.

      Previous experience in the role, or similar (Prefered)

      Can operate in stressful environments.

      Good multi-tasker.

      Strong analytical and decision-making skills.

      Proficiency in map reading, navigation and communications skills

      Application Process

        Interested candidates should submit a Letter of Interest no later than June 7th. Contact LT Babol, SFC Marsh or CPL Starling. A document will be sent by 2LT Babol after the Ceremony indicating everything that has been read here, so everyone will be able to consult all that has been said here.


      Force Improvement Classes
      Air Assault school - june 15th
      CLS Course (KAT Medical) - june 29th

      1LT G.Tucci - 4 year (june 22nd)
      WO1 D.Schneider - 3 year (june 4th)
      CW2 D.Lotus - 1 year (june 18th)
      PFC T.Pearson - 2 year (june 27th)

      The Alpha Company Award Ceremony is a special occasion once a month to allow the unit commander to honor recipients who have been recognized for their accomplishments while assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Gaming Unit.

      The Secretary of the Army has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity, and professional excellence of the following Soldiers. In view of these qualities and their dedicated service to the 3rd Infantry Division, they are, therefore, promoted and awarded the following.

      The following Soldiers are promoted to

      E-3 Private First Class
      PV2 J.Forrester is being promoted to Private First Class
      PV2 N.McEnheimer is being promoted to Private First Class
      PV2 A.Amburghy is being promoted to Private First Class
      PV2 K.Faraone is being promoted to Private First Class
      PV2 W.Sadler is being promoted to Private First Class
      PV2 R.Veneer is being promoted to Private First Class


      E-4b Specialist
      PFC B.Montana is being promoted to Specialist
      PFC S.Ohwo is being promoted to Specialist
      PFC Z.Williamson is being promoted to Specialist
      PFC T.Pearson is being promoted to Specialist
      PFC R.Sjordal is being promoted to Specialist
      PFC J.Fuller is being promoted to Specialist


      E-4a Corporal
      SPC A.Zvik is being promoted to Corporal
      SPC B.Fitzgerald is being promoted to Corporal

      E-7 Sergeant First Class
      SSG J.Ayers is being promoted to Sergeant First Class

      O-3 Captain
      1LT G.Tucci is being promoted to Captain

      The following soldiers have been awarded:

      Military Outstanding Volunteer Medal
      CPL G.Nagy with "V" device
      PV2 J.Forrester with "V" device

      Good Conduct Medal
      CW2 A.DeMaio
      SPC M.Gregoire
      SPC K.Krios
      SPC M.Alther
      SPC B.Montana
      SPC S.Ohwo
      PFC Z.Williamson
      PFC A.Siebens
      PFC R.Sjordal
      PFC R.Ramírez
      PFC J.Andersson
      PFC F.Ramirez

      Armed Forces Service Medal
      MAJ J.LaFlash - RRO
      CPT G.Tucci - FIG
      2LT E.Babol - BMO, FIG
      CW2 J.Tracey - CID
      CW2 E.Poltorak - PAO
      CW2 A.DeMaio - FIG 
      1SG V.Garcia - BMO, INTEL
      SFC J.Ayers- RRO
      SSG J.Duck - BMO
      SGT J.Nicholas - CID
      SGT A.Shocked - FIG 
      SGT A.Shocked - PAO 
      SGT D.Smiricky- RRO 
      SGT W.Fives - FIG 
      CPL H.McMahon - FIG 
      CPL G.Nagy - RRO 
      CPL A.Zvik - PAO 
      SPC S.Kidon  - BMO
      SPC A.Birdlike  BMO
      SPC B.Fitzgerald - FIG
      SPC P.Byrde - CID
      SPC G.York - CID

      Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
      MAJ J.Flash 
      1LT N.Cooper 
      WO1 D.Frost 
      SGT S.Kidon 
      SPC A.Bills
      WO1 A.DeMaio 
      SPC S.Magretson 

      Army Achievement Medal
      SGT J.Nicholas
      SGT A.Byrd with "C" device
      CPL M.Donnelly with "C" device
      CPL J.Starling
      CPL R.Winters
      CPL A.Zvik
      SPC N.Agricola
      SPC T.Anderson
      SPC M.Alther
      SPC B.Montana
      SPC S.Ohwo with "V" device
      PFC Z.Williamson
      PV2 R.Veneer

      Army Commendation Medal
      SSG R.Ivanov
      SGT A.Byrd with "V" device
      CPL G.Nagy
      SPC A.Bills with "V" device
      SPC N.McIntosh
      SPC B.Fitzgerald

      Purple Heart
      SGT D.Shade
      SPC J.Koe

      Joint Service Achievement Medal
      CPL J.Starling
      SPC D.Hughson
      SPC B.Fitzgerald
      SPC B.Montana

      Joint Service Commendation Medal
      SGT J.Nicholas
      SPC J.Frost

      Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
      CW4 A.Diomedes
      WO1 D.Frost
      SGT D.Smiřický
      SGT J.Nicholas
      SGT A.Byrd
      CPL R.Winters
      CPL M.Donnelly
      CPL A.Zvik
      SPC N.Agricola
      SPC Z.Williamson
      SPC G.Plunkett
      PFC R.Sjordal

      Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
      CW2 E.Poltorak
      SGT W.Fives
      SPC M.Gregoire

      Air Medal
      CW4 A.Diomedes
      CW2 E.Poltorak

      Humanitarian Service Medal
      1LT N.Cooper
      WO1 D.Frost
      WO1 J.White
      SPC J.Erickson
      SPC M.Gregoire
      PFC S.Ohwo

      Bronze Star
      SFC J.Ayers

      Basic Parachute Badge
      WO1 J.White  
      SPC J.Frost 
      SPC G.Plunkett 
      SPC T.Anderson  
      PFC A.Siebens 
      PFC S.Ohwo  
      PFC B.Montana  
      PFC C.Ford 
      PFC R.Sjordal

      Army Aviation Basic Crewmember Badge
      PFC S.Rogers
      PFC D.Smith

      U.S. Army Aviator Wings
      WO1 J.White

      Combat Infantry Badge 1
      PFC J.Harro
      PFC A.Siebens
      PFC E.Gonzales
      PFC F.Ramirez
      PFC H.Rue
      PFC C.Ford
      PFC S.Baker
      PFC A.Panther
      PFC J.Andersson
      PV2 A.Amburgy
      PV2 J.Forrester
      PV2 K.Faraone
      PV2 N.McEnheimer
      PV2 W.Sadler
      PV2 Z.Rashdan

      Combat Infantry Badge 2
      SPC N.Mcintosh
      SPC A.BirdLike
      SPC E.Shmul
      SPC D.Hughson
      SPC J.Erickson
      SPC Q.Clayton
      SPC S. Ohwo
      SPC B.Montana
      PV2 L.Stone

      Combat Infantry Badge 3
      SGT D.Smiřický
      SGT A.Byrd
      CPL M.Donnelly
      CPL A.Zvik
      SPC A.Bills
      SPC G.Plunkett
      PFC Z.Williamson
      PFC R.Sjordal
      SPC J.Frost

      Combat Infantry Badge 4
      2LT E.Babol
      1SG V.Garcia
      SSG R.Ivanov
      SPC S.Kidon

      Combat Action Badge 1
      2LT C.Winters
      WO1 J.White
      SPC K.Grigorov
      SPC T.Anderson
      PFC J.Shevel
      PV2 M.Murphy
      PV2 R.Veneer
      PV2 T.Kinsey
      PV2. W.Lewis
      PFC D.Smith
      PFC S.Rogers

      Combat Action Badge 2
      1LT A.Vandle
      CW2 J.Tracey
      CW2 D.Lotus
      CW2 E.Poltorak
      CW2 A.DeMaio
      WO1 K.Hall
      SSG J.Duck
      CPL G.Nagy
      CPL J.Starling
      SPC P.Byrde
      SPC B.Fitzgerald
      SPC J.Koe
      SPC K.Krios
      SPC M.Alther
      SPC X.Swoop

      Combat Action Badge 3
      CW4 A.Diomedes
      WO1 D.Frost

      Combat Medic Badge 1
      SPC P.Byrde

      Combat Medic Badge 2
      SGT J.Nicholas
      CPL R.Winters
      CPL T.Hunter
      CPL H.McMahon

      Combat Medic Badge 3
      SPC N.Agricola

      French Fouragerre
      SPC J.Frost

    • 80th Anniversary of D-Day



      Today marks the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Normandy; where a combined amphibious invasion force composed of American, British, and Canadian Troops assaulted five beaches in an attempt to break the Atlantic Wall in the largest amphibious assault in all of history with over 300,000 Allied Forces personnel directly engaged in combat during the landings.  The Atlantic Wall were defenses the German Forces had constructed after conquering France in 1940 and garrisoned to prevent British Forces from locking the German Army into a stalemate similar to the Great War two decades prior.


      Image result for Atlantic Wall

      The Allied Forces led by Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight. D. Eisenhower carefully planned an invasion of Europe to break German Supremacy of Europe. This plan was then named Operation Overlord. The night leading up to the invasion, Airborne Divisions were dropped into Normandy the night prior to assault German supply lines, artillery, and coastal defenses. The following morning, following an extensive bombing campaign from the air 156,000 Soldiers from the United States, British Empire, and the Dominion of Canada landed on the beaches codenamed Gold, Sword, Juno, Utah and Omaha. After hours of Brutal fighting on the beaches, defenses on the beaches were eventually overran and destroyed by the assaulting force leading to a larger breakthrough across Normandy to finally allow the Allies to join the war in earnest.




      The Allies did not get through the invasion unscathed as over 4,000 were confirmed to be killed in action on the beaches and the defensive structures themselves. The Germans took heavy losses as well during the invasion seeing 4,000-9,000 killed in action defending the beaches. As the invasion progressed into days and coastal towns were liberated from the occupation, the Allied forces considered the Operation a success and continued to drive strong against the German Army and push them back into Germany until May 8th 1945 when Grand Admiral Donitz signed the Unconditional Surrender of all of Germany to the Allies and the Soviet Union. 


      Let us remember those that fought on June 6th, 1944 for their bravery and sacrifice as they charged into the unknown.
