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    • United States K-9 Corps Birthday


      Image Credit: Soldiersmediacentre

      March 13 marks the birthday of the US K-9 Corps. This was initiated by the Quartermaster Corps back in 1942 to train dogs for the War Dog Program.

      The first dogs to be trained within the War Dog Program were donated dogs from civilian owners who had both capable and healthy dogs. Over 30 different breeds were accepted for this training process to provide K-9’s for the Army, but also the US Navy, Marines and the Coast Guard.

      These hounds selected for the training, were trained for 8 to 12 weeks. The training after basic obedience training was narrowed into four specialized programs. These were sentry dogs, scout or patrol dogs along with messenger dogs or mine detection dogs. These dogs were vital at helping their two-legged allies in warning of approaching enemies and possible surprise attacks.

      One of the most famous of these dogs was Chips who served with the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division. Chips was trained to be a sentry dog, but one time broke away from his handlers and attacked an enemy machine gun nest. The entire enemy contingent there surrendered. Chips was awarded the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, and the Distinguished Service Cross (All revoked due to Army Policy).


      This is the story of just one of many Canines who served the United States throughout the years. All of which were loyal and good dogs, serving their country alongside their fellow soldiers.


      “The more I see of men, the better I like my dog” – Frederick the Great

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