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    • US ARMY Celebrates its 249th Birthday!

      Official 249th Army Birthday Video | U.S. Army

      (Source: https://www.army.mil/)

      Almost two and a half centuries ago today the Continental Congress established what will later become the United States army. 

      Since its birth the army has proven vital in both the initial domestic and later foreign struggles the newly born, or seasoned, U.S. found itself. 
      Every year a ceremony is held at Arlington National Cemetery, with the goal of paying tribute to those who paid the ultimate price. 

      For this year the theme is “Honoring the Past, Defending the Future.”, putting a classical focus on the importance of remembering and looking up to the past actions of those before, while making sure there is a future to continue looking back. 
      As many around the U.S. gather to celebrate this event, veterans and community members join in order to recall all that was done, witnessed and head forward with renewed respect for those who set the traditions they now follow. 

      As the U.S. army heads towards its 250th birthday next year, we wish all current and retired service members an enjoyable celebration.

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