MAJ J.LaFlash
12 Jul 2024 at 2:14 AM
Welcome to the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit
We are glad you have taken the time to come visit our unit's website. Whether you are here to join the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit or simply be among our thousands of registered guests. We want you to enjoy your time with us. If you're looking to register on our website and possibly enlist with us please take the time to read some of the below content as it will help you achieve your goal quicker!
Can you commit your time to our unit?
What are the minimum requirements to join the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit?
NOTE: Minimum requirements 'issues' must be resolved within 72 hours of enlistment application or the enlistee will be DISCHARGED or DROPPED.
Setting up Team Speak 3
To download Teamspeak 3, please visit the following link: Click Here
Which do I choose to download?
It depends on which operating system you are currently running: Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X. If you are currently running Windows, it will depend on whether you are running a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system. Note: Teamspeak does offer mobile platforms to keep you online while AFK.
What is the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit Teamspeak 3 address, and how do I connect?
The 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit Teamspeak 3 server is a public server operated by the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit and it is used for communicating while in-game and out of the game for meetings, training, and several other possibilities. When connecting to our server you will need an authorized Nickname and the address, Which is
What are Teamspeak 3 Identities and how do I back them up?
Teamspeak 3 identities are a type of authentication system that assigns a unique ID that the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit uses to identify its members. The Teamspeak 3 policy states you must use your identity at all times, including if you do a fresh install of either Teamspeak or your operating system, on a different computer, or while on your phone. You can export your current identity profile and save it somewhere safe like an email, flash drive, or even Dropbox.
How to export your Teamspeak 3 Identity:
You can also create an account with Teamspeak under Tools - Options - myTeamspeak and this will save your Identity. Then, you can log in on any new computer, tablet, or phone, and all your saved bookmarks and information will be there.
Increasing Security level
A Teamspeak security level is a way for us to stop unwanted guests spamming our Teamspeak. Increasing your security level takes a few minutes, and requires some processing power to complete. The 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit TeamSpeak server requires a security level of 25 to join.
How to increase your Security Level
How to connect to the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit Server:
What is Push-to-Talk (PTT) and how do I configure it?
Push-to-talk (PTT), also known as press-to-transmit, is a method of having conversations or talking on half-duplex communication lines, including two-way radio, using a momentary button to switch from voice reception mode to transmit mode. PTT is a requirement upon enlistment and as you gain permissions on our Teamspeak Server you may earn the right to have Voice Activation.
How to configure Push-to-Talk (PTT):
Note: Capture Mode and Capture Device will vary depending on your headset
Choosing Your Name
When you are choosing a name to enlist in the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit, you must choose a realistic forename and surname. This does not necessarily have to be your real forename and surname, but whichever names you choose to enlist with must be plausible.
You may NOT choose any of the following:
An example of an appropriate name would be
Forename: Daniel
Surname: Johnson
An example of an inappropriate name would be
Forename: Luke
Surname: Skywalker
Note: Upon enlistment, you will be referred to by your First initial and Last name.
Finding your Steam ID
Major J.LaFlash