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    • Appreciation for Those Who Served

      The 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit extends to you our personal thanks and sincere appreciation of your contribution of honorable service to our unit. You have made a lasting impact on the unit’s history and thanks to your devotion to duty and a spirit of sacrifice in keeping with the proud traditions of military service.

       Your commitment and dedication have been an inspiration for those who will follow in your footsteps, and for all those who join us in saluting you for a job extremely “well done.”

       Our best wishes to you for happiness and success in the future.

      From the Soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division MILSIM


      Celebrating Captain Bailey Lambert's retirement, who retires as former Aviation Brigade Commander. CPT B.Lambert enlisted into the 3rd Infantry Division MilSim Unit on June 26, 2019 and served with distinction in his time here. He moved up through the ranks and various leadership positions such as First Squad Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, and Platoon Leader within Alpha Company, First Platoon, before serving in 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade as Brigade Commander, where he has been leading from the front!

      Captain Bailey Lambert earned and received a number of medals during his time here in the 3rd Infantry Division such as the Soldier's Medal, Bronze Star with "V" device, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal with "V" device, Humanitarian Service Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, and many other decorations. He also earned his Combat Infantry Badge Stage 2 in First Platoon. CPT B.Lambert graduated from a number of special schools as well within the unit including Ranger, Airborne, Air Assault, Jumpmaster, and more! He used the experience and knowledge from these schools to lead the Aviation Brigade when called upon as an honorable example to all others during his time here. Congratulations on your retirement Captain Bailey Lambert and we wish you all the best!


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