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    • Commanding Officer marks 15 Years of Service

      Major John LaFlash, Dress Blues

      Commanding Officer marks 15 Years of Service

      Very few people can say they have dedicated themselves to 15 years in the same group or activity outside their family. Long gone are the days that our forebearers commonly worked for the same company or business all their lives, with today's reality being of ever-changing relations, opportunities, and dynamics.

      Fifteen years ago, some of our members were still babbling their first words and learning how to walk faster and faster each passing day. Yet, Major John LaFlash was enlisting into the ranks of the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Unit and taking his firsts steps in this decade and a half long journey.

      Today marks his 15 Years of Service towards the 3rd Infantry Division Realism Gaming Unit. Over the years Major John LaFlash has done a lot this includes; Helping us gain servers, support multiple games, help soldiers out with expenses and gaming equipment, As well as getting in and listening to the soldiers of this unit if they needed to talk to him and much more! For 15 Years, the Major has done anything and everything for this unit. He goes above and beyond to help us out with our servers, and help us out organizing this unit. Through hard times, and easy times, Major John LaFlash has been here when there were only 5 Soldiers in our ranks, and when there were 200 Soldiers in our ranks. He has been an inspirational leader for all of us to follow and set goals to become.

      Men and women of the 3rd Infantry Division express pride in having such a dedicated leader. Whether maneuvering in a combat mission or playing Mike Force on the Public Server, Soldiers enjoy serving side by side with their Commanding Officer, and they appreciate his expression of the Army Values in everyday encounters.

      As Major LaFlash celebrates this milestone in his career and in the unit’s history, we join him in the merrymaking, and wish him many more years with us as a Dogface Soldier! Thank you for all the hard work you have done, and thank you from all of the past members, current members, and future members. You are truly one spectacular Soldier. Hooah!


      Published by:
      Public Affairs Office,

      First Lieutenant B.Lambert
      Sergeant First Class C.Brock
      Specialist C.Moalli

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