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  • Twitch

    Thanks to the hard work of COE our Twitch module is operational again! 


    If you a current soldier within the unit and you wish to have your twitch page added to our list please drop your page below!


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    • Edited by PV2 D.Frost

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    But, that's my DJ twitch. No gaming. Still, check me out. I've not been streaming much lately, but I'll get back at it.

    https://twitch.tv/random_encounter_gaming/ is my gaming channel.
    Access restored to that gaming channel. Will be streaming unit events and other times as well.
    Also locked out of it atm because I accidentally disabled my e-mail forward address that it's bound to, through my domain provider. Oops.

    • Edited by PV2 P.Byrde
      Fixed my Twitch gaming channel

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