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  • Modpack Update - 03 MAY 2021

    There Has Been An Update To The 3rdID Modpack
    Please Download at Your Earliest Convenience



    • Third Infantry Division Mod
      • Added flight coveralls
        • bug causing them not to show up at the moment, we're looking at a solution and fix soon.


    • VCOM AI
    • requirement for local ace tracers
    • requirement for local ace realistic dispersion

    Refer to our mod page for installation instructions: https://3rdinf.us/mods/

    *Note: we have exceeded the maximum standard modlist size, due to this we had to increase the traffic sent to the Arma 3 Launcher. This should not have any impact on the average user, however, users with outdated routers will no longer be able to sync their mods using the Arma 3 Launcher. Therefore the only way to sync for those are to download our modlist from our mod page and set up subscribed items using the import.

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