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  • WARNORD Fun Op 14 JAN 22

    WARNORD Fun Op 14JAN22

    Operation: Urgent Fury

    Following the arrest and execution of Grenadian Prime Minister Maurice Bishop by members of his own People’s Revolutionary Government, General Hudson Austin has established the so-called Revolutionary Military Council. Declaring martial law, Austin has closed the island’s airports and enforced a 24-hour curfew.

    The US Government has received reports that several hundred American medical students are trapped on the island at St. George University, unable to obtain food, water, and medicine because of the curfew. Anxious students have repeatedly called the US mainland warning of a buildup of Grenadian military forces in the area. Several hundred Cuban army reservists have also been stationed on the island to work on various construction projects.

    2. MISSION
    First Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment is ordered to depart from Hunter Army Airfield and conduct an airborne assault on Grenada’s southern airport. Eliminate hostile forces and capture the airport to facilitate the landing of follow-on US and other friendly forces. Once additional forces arrive to assume control of the airport, move to St. George University to secure and evacuate all US students there. After this is complete, move further inland to secure the enemy barracks north of the airport.

    Once these 3 objectives have been achieved, return to the airport for debrief.
          1. 1/A-CO, 1 BN, 75th Ranger Regiment

          1. Standard US Army Equipment (1983)

          1. Standard JSOC Equipment (1983)
       (d) TIME SCHEDULE
          1. STEP BRIEF 1845
          2. OSCAR MIKE 1900
       (a) Utilize Special Equipment as needed.
    5. INTEL
       (a) Map of the AO


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