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    1. WARNORD 22DEC23 Mission: Slay Ride 1. Situation Technical Mediation Group, Inc. (TMG), a private military company, has taken a job in Haiti to secure humanitarian aid materials. Working with officials from the World Food Programme and Toys for Tots, contractors will secure donated items during loading, transport, and unloading for further transportation across the country. This includes food, medicine, and Christmas gifts for impoverished families. The situation in Haiti is dire with widespread lawlessness, hunger, disease, and disruption of public services. A large number of national and local police officers have defected to gangs that are vying for power in armed conflict. Two of the largest gangs in-country are G9 and its rival G-Pep, which have both affiliated with smaller gangs in order to consolidate power. A small but independent gang called Baz Galil controls much of Gonave Island, where TMG has been assigned. In addition, local anti-gang militia, known as bwa kale, operate in some areas of the country, attacking gang members in an attempt to stem the lawlessness. Unpredictable by nature, these militia pose another potential threat to our mission. 2. Mission TMG is tasked with 1) securing and loading aid materials at the port of Lapangan Futsal Central, 2) transporting the aid to the UN Warehouse where additional aid is to be loaded, and 3) then delivering the aid to the UN logistics center at Selatan Airbase for for further transport via helicopter to cities in need. It is imperative that we do not engage national and local police, local militia, and civilians. ROE: Armed military-age male who demonstrates hostile intent and aims his weapon at you. Warning shots on vehicles at 100 m (No IEDs are expected). No collateral damage will be tolerated by the clients. Haiti is a dangerous place, but it is not the sandbox. Check all targets! 3. General Instructions (A) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. ALPHA TEAM - COWBOYS (B) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. PMC KIT AND LOADOUT (C) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. OFFROAD x 3 2. HMMWV (M2) x 1 3. KAMAZ x 2 (D) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF - 1745 EST 2. OSCAR MIKE - 1800 EST 4. Special Instructions (A) HMMWV (M2): For security of materials and personnel against hostile targets. (B) KAMAZ: For transport of aid materials. 5. Intel
    2. until
      Pre Mission Brief: Héctor Tafalla, head of transportation and sales for the Cartel "Las Violetas Mortales". The Mexican Army and the U.S. Army have created a joint task force to eliminate this cartel. Images: Héctor Tafalla in his trademark blue suit, Mexican Army Transport OPERATION DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cxlXdKiweJYG4WctT8N_bP8QjLTjgDuPJ8Dw8DtkO-k/edit
    3. Situation The island of Tanoa has recently been under hostile takeover from forces of Russian Federation. On diplomatic level Russia denies any and all accusation´s about their transgression even through all proof, meanwhile NATO council has assembled to deal with the situation. Current Russian forces Include Russian VDV forces supported with a detachment of spetznaz to supress and controll population, the island and its airbases. Mission Delta force is sent to deal with several tasks A squad is tasked in retrieving a CIA operative (Codename Ares) with intel on why Russia invaded Tanoa. Retrieve the operative or his intel. The CIA operative is somewhere in OBJ Matryoshka. LZ Davy Jones in village Savaka will serve as infil/exfil point to the Tanoan isles. General Standard loadout, carry all you can with you. No ground, sea or air support. FunOp will happen on Public server 1, normal mod loadlist
    4. Come join us in Freeing Altis from itself! Located on Public Server 1 at 1900 EST. Early load ins will begin at 1800 EST for those impatient few 🙂 All that is required is the 3rd ID mod pack, we won't use TFAR unless we end up with more than 5 people.
    5. CPL Donnelly had birthday a week ago and even tho late its time to celebrate, with nothing else but FunOp! FunOp happens on 17.02.2023 at 1700est at Public server 1, load in time will be 30mins before FunOp start at 1630est Briefing will happen at the start of the FunOp, untill then what mission, will be a mystery. Only need to stress the fact birthdayboy wishes to suffer. Map will be Takistan.
    6. J.Lancaster

      Liberation Friday

      Calling all enlisted and civilian volunteers! The 3rd Infantry Division is seeking volunteers for deployment to Altis. ISIL forces have overthrown the government, and are terrorizing the population; with civilian and allied forces taking heavy casualties. An advanced force of volunteers have gone ahead and paved the way for a full deployment of any additional forces at an Airfield not far from the South Coast. So are you feeling patriotic? Want to help save thousands of lives and liberate Altis? Then RVSP and heed the call! James Lancaster Warrant Officer Candidate Recruiting and Retention Office --Side Note-- If enough people show and attend the event, I will strive to make this a repeat event every Friday. This event particularly on this day, will take place AFTER the Land Navigation Course; giving people some time to take a break afterwards before we kick it off in full swing; although it will run for as long as their are people on. This is a good opportunity to hone your skills, as there is a full unlimited arsenal and lots of logistical elements. This event is obviously optional, but if our new enlistees have the time and the desire, it's highly recommended you join in for some arma 3 bonding and fun!
    7. WARNORD Fun Op 6JAN23 Tembelan TVT Deathmatch 1. SITUATION Early this morning, Abu Sayyaf and Maute Group terrorists staged another attack in Tembelan. Landing on the island’s northwest coast, militants have fanned out to the south and east, reportedly raiding villages for hostages and local leaders. Gunfire has been heard through the night as militants approach Lapangan Futsal Central. Filipino Army Scout Rangers garrisoned near the south coast have been ordered to stand at full alert in preparation for a counter-attack against the ISIS-affiliated terrorists. 2. MISSION BLUFOR and OPFOR must fight for control of the center of the city. There are 2x Tochka missile trucks located in or near Lapangan Futsal Central. Each side must locate one or both trucks and use the missile(s) to destroy the other team’s camp. Whichever team destroys the opposing spawnpoint/arsenal first wins the match. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. 1ST CO, 1ST BN, 1ST SCOUT RANGER RGMT, PHILIPPINES ARMY 2. ISIS TASK FORCE GROUP PAGHIHIGANTI (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. STANDARD SCOUT RANGER EQUIPMENT 2. STANDARD ABU SAYYAF/MAUTE GROUP/ISIS EQUIPMENT (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. 2x ASSAULT BOAT (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF 1745 2. OSCAR MIKE 1800 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - USE FOR INSERTION/EXTRACTION 5. INTEL (a) MAP OF AO
    8. WARNORD 23DEC22 Mission: Snowball 1. SITUATION There is cheer in the air as free Chernarussians prepare to celebrate Christmas. In spite of a grinding civil war and economic depression, resourceful families have scrimped to take part in the annual holiday feast. Redeployed to Joint Base Černi in an advisory capacity, our men have established themselves at Camp Jolly as part of NATO Task Force Sauerkraut. At the end of the yearly CDF summer offensive, lines hardened once again. Each side continued to fortify their positions until the winter freeze set in last month. Since then, the lines have stalemated. Chernarussian Socialist Republic president Ivan Ivanov has, as expected, summarily outlawed Christmas as a bourgeois festival of fairy tales. He has also repeated threats to shoot down Santa Claus if he enters ChDKZ airspace. Tonight, CDF radars at Joint Base Černi have seen no sign of unidentified aircraft within Chernarussian airspace. However, at 2345, ATC received a faded and distorted radio call for emergency rescue. Honed in on the call during a second transmission, NATO triangulated the source to the north side of Novy Sobor, just a few kilometers southeast of Camp Jolly. Command is extremely concerned that ChDKZ forces may have downed Santa in the area. 2. MISSION TF Sauerkraut is ordered to move to Novy Sobor to search for the call sign requesting rescue, who is suspected to be Santa Claus. Locate, secure, and evacuate the HVT before Chedaki forces find him or you. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. Alpha CO, 1-2IN, 3rdID (NATO TF Sauerkraut) (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. STANDARD US ARMY EQUIPMENT (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. SOCOM EQUIPMENT (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Utilize NATO/SOCOM equipment as necessary. 5. INTEL (a) Map of AO:
    9. WARNORD 24JUN22 Mission Boston 1. SITUATION Tomorrow morning, Allied Forces are going to launch the amphibious invasion of France. But first, American and British paratroopers conducted an airborne drop across Normandy to capture or destroy key positions. Operation Overlord is a go! 2. MISSION Touch down in your DZ, rally, and capture the bridge at Chef-du-Pont. This river crossing is mission critical to follow-on forces landing in the morning. Dig in and defend the town and bridge against German counter-attack. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. 1st Platoon, B Company, 507th PIR, 82nd Airborne Division (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. Standard USGI Equipment (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. Paratrooper Kit (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF - 1745 EDT 2. OSCAR MIKE - 1800 EDT 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Paratrooper Kit - Pack as much ammunition, medical, and AT as you can! 5. INTEL (a) Map of the AO
    10. WARNORD 17JUN22 Second Battle of El Alamein 1. SITUATION Four months after halting the Axis advance at El Alamein, Allied Forces are ready to push them out of Egypt for good. British and Commonwealth Forces built up their lines and have reliable air cover. Now is the time to strike! 2. MISSION Move from Camp Chips and clear the Northern Sector of enemy reconnaissance units. Capture the city of El Alamein (OBJ Cabbage) to create a gateway west. Then clear the German checkpoints (OBJs Lager & Pilsner) to open the road to follow on forces. Assault the enemy patrol outpost (OBJ Schapps) to destroy Axis northern defenses. Then seize Milteirya Ridge and dig in to secure the Allied western flank. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. 2nd Platoon, C Company, 5th Battalion "The Black Watch", 153rd Infantry Brigade, 51st (Highland) Infantry Division (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. Standard Commonwealth Equipment (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. Tanks (1st Armored Division equipment) (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF - 1545 EDT 2. OSCAR MIKE - 1800 EDT 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Tanks - Use As Needed 5. INTEL (a) Maps of the AO Annex A.1 Annex A.2
    11. WARNORD 3JUN22 Operation Neptune 1. SITUATION After years of preparation in the US and UK, Allied Forces are ready to launch the amphibious invasion of France. Last night, American and British paratroopers conducted an airborne drop across Normandy to capture or destroy key positions. Now infantry are about to move out to the beaches. 2. MISSION Board your LCVP and land on Dog Red. Move off the beach and capture the German fortifications on the cliffs. Once the beach has been secured, move inland to take the city of Le Bray. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. A CO, 1-116 RCT, 29ID (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. USGI Equipment (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. 2x LCVP (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF - 1745 2. OSCAR MIKE - 1800 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) 2x LCVP - Amphibious Landing 5. INTEL (a) Map of the AO
    12. WARNORD 27MAY21 Mission: Red Wave 1. SITUATION After years of preparation, the Fapovo Liberation Army is set to strike the heart of the government. Staged just off the coast, insurgents are getting ready to start the revolution. 2. MISSION Move from camp via boat to Fapovo and raid OBJ Alaska, a national army outpost. Use whatever weapons and equipment you can scavenge to conduct assaults on OBJs Bhutan, Corregidor, and Dacia. Clear army garrisons and patrols, and seize the military aircraft at the airport. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. Call Sign “Sledgehammer”, 1st Group, Fapovo Liberation Army (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. Captured Army Equipment (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. 2x Assault Boats (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF - 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE - 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) 2x Assault Boats - Amphibious Landing 5. INTEL (a) Map of the AO
    13. WARNORD 6 MAY 22 Zargabad Thunder Run 1. SITUATION Continuing its push north into Iraq, 3rd Infantry Division has reached the outskirts of Zargabad. Along with a large civilian population, the city and its environs are known to contain a significant Iraqi Army presence, along with supporting Fedayeen Saddam elements. Intelligence shows that enemy forces have improved defensive fortifications in the city and the adjacent airport. Enemy forces are known to use small arms, RPG, IED, mortars, technicals, and armored vehicles. 2. MISSION First Platoon is tasked with leading a Thunder Run through Zargabad. Clear key intersections at Objectives Moe, Larry, and Curly in order to open the route for follow-on forces. Probe enemy defenses; and destroy all enemy vehicles and equipment en route. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. Alpha Company, 1st Platoon, 1-64 Armor (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. Standard US Army Equipment (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. 4x M1A1 Abrams MBT 2. 4x M2A3 Bradley IFC (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF - 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE - 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) 4x M1A1 - Probe Enemy Defenses (b) 4x M2A3 - Protect the tanks 5. INTEL (a) Map of the AO
    14. WARNORD Fun Op 22APR22 Mission: Tag-ulan 1. SITUATION Early this morning, Abu Sayyaf terrorists staged another attack in Tembelan. Landing on the island’s northwest coast, militants have fanned out to the south, reportedly raiding villages for hostages and cash. Gunfire has been heard through the night. 2. MISSION Your Company is ordered to clear northwestern Tembelan of Abu Sayyaf forces. Secure the villages of Pertemuan, Ikan Kota, Tertutup, and Bagain. Keep an eye open for Abu Sayyaf regional commander Ibrahim Usman, pictured below. He is designated an HVT. Free trapped civilians and hostages for extract. Then link up with the Filippino Army garrison at the Hijar Military Substation. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. 1ST CO, 1ST BN, 1ST SCOUT RANGER RGMT, PHILIPPINES ARMY (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. STANDARD SCOUT RANGER EQUIPMENT (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. 2x UH-1Y VENOM 2. 2x ASSAULT BOAT (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - USE FOR INSERTION/EXTRACTION 5. INTEL (a) MAP OF AO (b) PHOTO OF HVT IBRAHIM USMAN
    15. The Battle of Mosul (IS) WARNORD 8APR21 1. SITUATION For the past two years, we have held onto Mosul with an iron grip. Despite several attempts by infidels to retake Iraq’s second largest city, IS has consolidated power and stands ready for the next assault. Our last bastion in Iraq, Mosul is the seat of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Caliphate. Spies reporting to Mosul Eye have revealed the city is heavily fortified and littered with mines, IEDs, and booby traps. Scores of suicide bombers are preparing for their inevitable martyrdom. Civilians lie in constant fear, caught between Iraqi Government Forces and us. 2. MISSION Defend the Grand Mosque and airport against the Iraqi Army 9th Armored Division assault. Kill the infidel invaders and prevent civilians from leaving the city! 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. 1ST TEAM, MOSUL MARTYRS BRIGADE (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. STANDARD IS EQUIPMENT (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. STANDARD IRAQI NATIONAL ARMY EQUIPMENT (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Utilize Special Equipment as needed. 5. INTEL (a) Captured INA Map of AO
    16. WARNORD 11MAR22 Mission: Vovk 1. SITUATION Russian armored forces have begun moving toward Mariupol, penetrating deep into Donetsk Oblast and fanning into the surrounding countryside. Artillery fire has been relentless, disrupting defensive operations and threatening the civilian population. Russian helicopters have also been attacking targets in the area. Intelligence recovered from dead enemy soldiers suggest that the Russian Spetsnaz are operating in the oblast. The Directorate of Intelligence has identified a hit list of Ukrainian government officials, including the mayors of Grishino, Stary Sobor, and Gorka. HQ expects a complex attack on Mariupol within the next 48 hours. 2. MISSION Third Platoon is ordered to patrol Donetsk and interdict Russian Spetsnaz operating in the area. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. 3RD PLATOON, A COMPANY, 8TH SPECIAL PURPOSE REGIMENT (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. UKRAINIAN SPETSNAZ EQUIPMENT (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. FGM-148 JAVELIN 2. MBT NLAW 3. NATO SMALL ARMS (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - USE FOR OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS 5. INTEL (a) MAP OF AO
    17. Op time: 1900 EST Theme: PMC in the Middle East Time: Nighttime Extra gear: Body bags; Cable ties; Suppressors; Night vision equipment (NVG and laser devices) and compatible optics. OPFOR: Middle Eastern militia Assets: Several civilian trucks and vans; Two civilian grade drones. Comms: General-purpose short-range frequency: 100 Dress code/Gear guidelines: Camo patterns: PMC = Wear and use whatever the heck you feel like it; Weapons: Favor weapon systems chambered in calibers utilized by the host nation: 7.62x39mm and 5.45x39mm (several AK variants and vz. 58 and RPK); 7.62x54mmR (SVD/Dragunov, PKP and PKM); 7.62x25mm (Tokarev TT); 9x18mm (Makarov PM) and 9x19mm. MISSION: "All right, gentlemen! Shit's going down tonight. Here's the deal: The advanced payment for this job is already in the bank, and I got green lights from the main office. As we all should be familiar by now, the local government is on its last legs, and everyone and their goddamn dogs know it too, including the militias, freedom fighters, mujahedeen, or whatever they call themselves. Our employer gathers whatever he can find from his 'regular' army in the northern region, including that small military base we got on our maps. The militias, sniffing the blood, gathered around said military base to either cut it off or do a massive offensive soon. Meanwhile, the 'thinking heads' and militia leaders will hold several high-profile meetings around Zargabad tonight. Our job is so simple that even a group of Marines without a grown-up to supervise them could understand and accomplish the mission: Go to those 6 HIT locations and kill everything in there. Everything. We good? Let's go then!" Primary Objectives: Sterilization of all Hit zones. Rules of Engagement (RoE): While on movement - Weapons hold. Forces friendly to our client are undiscernible from opposing parties. Clear to engage if fired upon; On OBJ's and its surroundings - Weapons free. No discrimination. Overall view of the AO (missing HIT 2 further North) Detail of the northen sector of the AO (including HIT 2) Detail of the central and southern sectors of the AO
    18. WARNORD Fun Op 18FEB22 Mission: Haribon 1. SITUATION Abu Sayyaf terrorists have attacked Tepi Pantai resort in southern Tembelan, taking numerous hostages from among guests and staff members. Witnesses claim a large group of insurgents arrived by boat last night, bringing weapons and ammunition supplies with them. Gunfire was heard in the area, and local residents report that police officers were forced out of the complex by the attackers. Gunmen were also seen in Lapangan Futsal South. It appears that the terrorists have consolidated their gains at the resort complex and are now striking further north into the city. Police are overwhelmed by the situation. Filipino Army forces are mobilizing, but are reported to be at least 12 hours from arriving in force on the island. S-2 reports that intercepted signals intelligence indicates that regional AS commander Ismael Sulayman is personally leading the attack on the resort. He is wanted in the US for terrorism, and the kidnapping and murder of several US nationals. Having sworn allegiance to IS along with the rest of Abu Sayyaf’s leadership, Sulayman has been designated an HVT. 2. MISSION Your team is ordered to clear Tepi Pantai resort (OBJ Ahas), secure all hostages, and kill/capture HVT Ismael Sulayman. If Sulayman is not in the resort, you are authorized to enter Lapangan Futsal (OBJ Daga) to locate him. If the target is captured alive, extract him to Besar Airbase for exploitation. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. A TEAM, 1ST TROOP, C SQUADRON, 1ST SFOD-D (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. STANDARD SOCOM EQUIPMENT (2022) (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. 2x UH-80 GHOST HAWK 2. 2x ASSAULT BOAT (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - USE FOR INSERTION/EXTRACTION 5. INTEL (a) MAP OF AO (b) PHOTO OF HVT ISMAEL SULAYMAN
    19. WARNORD Fun Op 11FEB22 Mission: Sampo 1. SITUATION Three decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a new generation of youth have begun advocating for a renewal of the Soviet political framework in Eastern Europe. Frustrated with the market-based economic policies of the West and Russia, and the plight of the poor and unemployed, activists are working to establish soviets and challenge the powers that be in their countries. Bolstered by donations from supporters in North America, several factions have emerged from within the movement. One group in particular has repeatedly made the news in Finland. Calling itself the Karelian National Front, this faction has grown increasingly militant in recent months. Although little is known about the group and its leaders, members have flooded the Internet with communist literature and propaganda. Local civilians have rumored that the KNF is responsible for an attack on a state policeman who was badly beaten while on patrol last month. Sympathetic to the cause, and eager to help change the political landscape in eastern Finland, you have joined the KNF. Pledging to give everything to achieve the liberation of the working classes, you have been assigned to a sleeper cell and await further orders. 2. MISSION It is time for revolution. Maintain cover as civilian hunters during movements. Ambush a Finnish Defense Forces supply convoy and obtain as many weapons and ammunition as possible. Once properly supplied, conduct a raid on the FDF positions near the Russian border. Destroy the enemy communications post and seize materiel from the adjacent supply depot. Return to base with captured weapons and equipment. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. Cell Myyrä, Karelian National Front (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. Civilian Hunting Weapons and Equipment (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. Civilian Vehicles 2. Smuggled Russian Weapons (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. Step Brief 1845 2. Oscar Mike 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Special Equipment - Use for Operations 5. INTEL (a) Map of the AO
    20. Op time: 1900 EST Theme: PMC in the Middle East Time: Early morning Extra gear: Body bags; Cable ties; At least 1x long-range radio for coordination with the air element OPFOR: Middle Eastern militia Assets: 2x MH-6 Little Bird; 2x Mi-8AMT; 1x AL-6 Pelican drone; 1x AR-2 Darter drone; Several civilian pick-up trucks and unarmed UAZ's. Comms: General-purpose short range frequency: 169 Air element long-range frequency: 69 Dress code/Gear guidelines: Camo patterns: PMC = Wear and use whatever the heck you feel like it MISSION: A US Recon team went dark a few hours after setting up their patrol base on the central-western mountain ranges in Takistan. Their objective was to gather intel on insurgent activities in Feruz Abad and Falar villages and surrounding settlements. The recon team hasn't contacted their command for the past 12 hours. Our objective is to locate and extract all seven members of that recon team and extract them. Intel provided to us is the general area of their patrol base (OBJ CAMPING) and that one of their priority targets was a small unnamed settlement West of Feruz Abad (POI VOYEUR). Those two areas are our starting points. We are deploying from FOB HOUND DOG on the Airfield in the Southeast area of Takistan. Primary Objectives: Locate and extract all seven members of the lost recon team. Map of the AO Detail of POI VOYEUR and OBJ Camping on the surroundings of Feruz Abad Rules of Engagement (RoE): Initially, the team is on weapons hold. If engaged, you are allowed to return immediate and effective fire to stop the hostile act promptly. There is confirmed civilian presence in the region, so positive identification of targets before engaging is essential.
    21. WARNORD Fun Op 21JAN22 Mission: Miranda 1. SITUATION In the aftermath of the Chernarussian Civil War, organized criminals took advantage of political instability and economic depression to buy up many industries and business concerns. Corruption is rife in peacetime Chernarus, and oligarchs break the law with virtual impunity. The average citizen is partially complicit, as many necessities are available only on the black market, but most people have had enough. Chernarussians want law and order. The Chernarus National Police has bolstered its presence in South Zagoria, with President Skala authorizing an aggressive sweep of the region. Law enforcement officers are authorized to establish checkpoints, conduct stings, and raid locations suspected of use in criminal activities. 2. MISSION The Chernarus National Police garrison in Chernogorsk is ordered to organize and carry out a dragnet across the coastal area. Officers are to focus on disruption of organized crime, drug manufacturing and sales, weapons proliferation, and human trafficking. Take custody of all suspects and contraband and transport them to CNP HQ in Chernogorsk for further investigation and prosecution. Be advised that CDF and NATO peacekeepers are active in the AO. While they may potentially be of assistance in criminal investigations, you are not to interfere with their security operations under any circumstances. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. Taskforce Krok, Chernarussian National Police (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. Standard CNP Equipment (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. Police Offroad Vehicles 2. 2x Police Boat (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. Step Brief 1845 2. Oscar Mike 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Special Equipment - Use as necessary for dragnet 5. INTEL (a) Map of the AO
    22. Op time: 1900 EST Theme: NATO Forces in eastern Europe Time: Early morning Extra gear: Body bags; Cable ties; At least 1x long-range radio for coordination with the air element OPFOR: Eastern European militia Assets: 1x UH-60 Black Hawk; 1x CH-47 Chinook; 4x HMMWV Comms: General-purpose shot range frequency: 100 Air element long-range frequency: 69 Dress code/Gear guidelines: Camo patterns: Multicam/Scorpion, Flecktarn, Wz. 93 (polish), any other NATO member camo pattern compatible with the woodland environment. Gear: Contemporary US military and NATO equipment. Mission specific suggestions: The team will need to check several points of interest to complete the mission. If the team chooses to use the Black Hawk or the Chinook to move between the PoI's, there's a waiting/loitering zone that command designated so the bird can wait while on air. Also, don't forget that the extraction of hostages and HVT is the heart of this mission. MISSION: Several paramilitary groups have been attacking the Livonian government in the last few days. The militia forces assaulted several villages and towns, burning or occupying government buildings. Several high-profile members of the Livonian government, police forces, and military are either missing, confirmed killed, or taken hostage. ACO mobilized NATO forces from neighboring Poland to assist the ailing Livonian government in retaking the country's control. No support from the Livonian military is expected at the moment; they lost several key individuals from their CoC during the initial attacks, rendering their forces undeployable. The team's mission is to locate and extract 3 HVT: Czcibor Wozniak (regional governor), Dodek Kaminski (commander of the local police forces), and Dobroslaw Kowalski (commander of the Livonian army stationed in the province). Those are essential personnel to reinstate order in the region and mobilize the Livonian military against the militia forces. The intel obtained from the remnants of the regional police forces is that the militia forces occupied most of the towns in the region. Also, some people who successfully escaped captivity informed that the main detention center is at the center of a city near a church. The team will move out from FOB SWAT, located in the north of the AO, and search for the HVT. With the intel obtained, four possible locations for the detention center were defined: OBJ POLICE, OBJ GROUND BRANCH, OBJ RIOT TROOP, and OBJ DOOR KICKERS. Primary Objectives: Locate and extract (alive) the 3 HVT: Czcibor Wozniak (regional governor); Dodek Kaminski (commander of the local police forces); Dobroslaw Kowalski (commander of the Livonian army stationed in the province). Secondary Objectives: Locate and extract any other civilian prisoner, detained police officer, or Livonian military personnel; Eliminate militia forces currently holding strategic positions or detaining hostages; Verify any evidence of the execution of civilians, police officers and secure the area for further investigation by UN personnel. Map of the AO Detail of the 4 possible locations for the detention center Rules of Engagement (RoE): Initially, the team is on weapons hold. If engaged, you are allowed to return immediate and effective fire to stop the hostile act promptly. Although reduced, there is confirmed civilian presence in the region, so positive identification of targets before engaging is essential. The militia forces most commonly mismatched military fatigues, equipment from the old soviet block (AK variants, SVD, DShK, Urals, etc.). Still, they rarely can be seen carrying captured old NATO equipment (M16, old M4 variants, etc.) Considering we are dealing with a hostage situation, favor flashbangs and refrain from using frag grenades in closed environments or explosive breaching methods into buildings.
    23. WARNORD Fun Op 31DEC21 - Operation: Urgent Fury 1. SITUATION Following the arrest and execution of Grenadian Prime Minister Maurice Bishop by members of his own People’s Revolutionary Government, General Hudson Austin has established the so-called Revolutionary Military Council. Declaring martial law, Austin has closed the island’s airports and enforced a 24-hour curfew. The US Government has received reports that several hundred American medical students are trapped on the island at St. George University, unable to obtain food, water, and medicine because of the curfew. Anxious students have repeatedly called the US mainland warning of a buildup of Grenadian military forces in the area. Several hundred Cuban army reservists have also been stationed on the island to work on various construction projects. 2. MISSION First Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment is ordered to depart from Hunter Army Airfield and conduct an airborne assault on Grenada’s southern airport. Eliminate hostile forces and capture the airport to facilitate the landing of follow-on US and other friendly forces. Once additional forces arrive to assume control of the airport, move to St. George University to secure and evacuate all US students there. After this is complete, move further inland to secure the enemy barracks north of the airport. Once these 3 objectives have been achieved, return to the airport for debrief. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. 1/A-CO, 1 BN, 75th Ranger Regiment (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. Standard US Army Equipment (1983) (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. Standard JSOC Equipment (1983) (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Utilize Special Equipment as needed. 5. INTEL (a) Maps of the AO
    24. WARNORD 17DEC21 Mission: The Night Before 1. SITUATION With another year of the Second Chernarussian Civil War about to close, the people of Free Chernarus are making the most of the opportunity to celebrate. Despite a supply chain collapse, rampant inflation, and ongoing violence across the country, families have saved, bargained, and bartered in order to enjoy a holiday feast tomorrow. Redeployed to Joint Base Černi in an advisory capacity, our men have reestablished themselves at Camp Rivera as part of NATO Task Force Goulash. At the conclusion of the CDF summer offensive in August, lines once again hardened. With each side entrenching their positions over the past three months, the war has stalemated. Once again, Chernarussian Socialist Republic president Ivan Ivanov has summarily outlawed Christmas as a bourgeois festival of fairy tales that perpetuates capitalism. He has also repeated threats to shoot down Santa Claus if he enters ChDKZ airspace. At 2345H tonight, CDF radars at Joint Base Černi began tracking a black aircraft that fit the signature of a contact on prior Christmas mornings, leading to speculation that Santa had entered the AO. However, at 2348H, radar contacts were lost west of Solnichniy. ATC also reports a faint May Day call via radio which was triangulated in the same vicinity. Command is concerned that ChDKZ forces may have finally carried out their threats. 2. MISSION TF Goulash is ordered to deploy behind enemy lines west of Solnichniy to search for and rescue/recover Santa Claus. You must locate, secure, and evacuate the HVT before the Chedaki find him. Start in the marked search area, and if necessary, move out to search additional locations. Exfil Santa without compromising yourselves or him. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) SPECIAL TEAMS/TASK ORG 1. Alpha CO, 1-2IN, 3ID (NATO TF Goulash) (b) COMMON EQUIPMENT 1. STANDARD US ARMY EQUIPMENT (c) SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 1. SOCOM EQUIPMENT (d) TIME SCHEDULE 1. STEP BRIEF 1845 2. OSCAR MIKE 1900 4. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (a) Utilize NATO/SOCOM equipment as necessary. 5. INTEL (a) Map of AO
    25. Op time: 1900 EST Theme: US Special Forces ODA with attached USAF CCT Time: Nightime Extra gear: M19 Anti-tank mines; M18A1 Claymore mines; Low light compatible equipment ( PEQs, NVGs, NVG compatible optics, IR strobes); Laser designators; Suppressors; MS IFF STROBE and IR Chemlights; At least 1x long-range radio (AN/ARC-210), preferably 2x; STEERABLE PARACHUTE OPFOR: Russian Armed Forces and local militias/looters Assets: 1x C-130 for insertion (HALO jump) Dress code/Gear guidelines: After you complete your loadout at the Arsenal, put your backpack in your chest (bottom icon on the left side of the screen), go back to the backpack selection tab and select the STEERABLE PARACHUTE. Camo patterns: Multicam Gear: Contemporary and near-future US military equipment (mission set on 2025) Mission specific suggestions: Knowing that this operation requires organized movement, speed, and stealth and that it will have a time limit of 2 hours and 45 minutes, I recommende that all players read this briefing carefully. Also, it is highly advised that one or two players are already going to the mission willing to take leadership positions since coordinated action will be essential. MISSION: Following Russia's assault on Western Europe, NATO forces are finally ready to start their counteroffensive. Russian Armed Forces managed to push roughly up to Hanover at the moment. The US military and its allies will simultaneously conduct several ground attacks and airborne operations on the frontlines, with an airborne assault at the Rosche region, Lower Saxony, Germany, being one of them. A USAF C-130 will insert the team via HALO jump (general guidelines below) around the INSERTION area at the NW of the AO, northwest of Masendorf. During this operation, the team must remain undetected, as you will be deep within enemy territory (more details on the RoE section). This pathfinding operation has three primary objectives that will enable said airborne assault and three secondary OBJ's that will facilitate the main force assault on Rosche: Overview of the AO Primary Objectives: Scout the surroundings of the three pre-designated Drop Zones (OPTIONS 1 to 3) and select one of them as the designated DZ for the main force. The potential DZ's are set already with their priorities in order by high command, being OPTION 1 the preferred DZ and OPTION 3 the last-ditch DZ. The parameters and conditions that make a DZ viable or not will be listed below; Once a Drop Zone is chosen as viable, mark it and place IR strobes on the area for visual identification for the airborne operation; Move to OBJ WATCHTOWER (a construction site) and set up an observation/comms post to further assist the main attack force during the assault. Detail of the easter section of the AO Secondary Objectives: Gather intel on the enemy forces present at the AO, marking their locations, size, and compositions; Set M19 anti-tank mines at the four marked bridges on the western section of the AO (just East of Flughafen). This will hinder the capabilities of the enemy's main force to reinforce the area during the assault; Set M19 anti-tank mines and M18A1 Claymores at the designated points at the main roads. This will make the movement of OPFOR already at the AO harder during the assault. Detail of the western section of the AO Viability conditions for a Drop Zone: The team first must scout the points of interest surrounding the OPTIONS DZ's. If those PoI's contains heavy armor (main battle tanks or multiple IFVs. APCs are acceptable), anti-air assets, or several static emplacements that could quickly shoot down the troops while parachuting, the team must call off that DZ. OPTION 1 PoI: Jarlitz (NE) and Ratzlingen (SW); OPTION 2 PoI: Nateln (NW) and Batensen (SW); OPTION 3 PoI: Schlieckau (NE). HALO jump guidelines: Every team member must have a STEERABLE PARACHUTE equipped on their backpack slot before entering the airplane; The INSERTION drop zone is located roughly 10 kilometers straight South of the airstrip; Double tab "V" to eject from the plane and start the free fall jump; The team should make the jump from an altitude of approximately 2,000 meters (6,561 feet); The parachute opening must be made at around 300 meters (984 feet). To check the altitude, you can use the HUD on the top left corner of the screen or equip an altimeter watch and check your altitude as you drop (default keybind to check watch is the letter "O"). Rules of Engagement (RoE): This mission requires that the team remain undeteced from Russian Forces, that means the team should refrain from engaging any contact, unless in self-defense when breaking contact is impossible. However, there have been hostilities between russians and local militas and looters. As long as the team is not positively identified as NATO/US forces, the Russian Forces can understand that those militias engaged their men. If Russian Forces are engaged, the team must wipe the enemy element swiftly, in a way that the enemy forces can't possitively ID the team as NATO/US forces and be on heightened alert As already said, there are militia forces and looters active at the AO, and they are not coordenated or have direct contact with Russian Forces. That means those militias can be engage if they are directly at a objective or close to the best possible route to a OBJ. The team must avoid the use of explosives and frag granades.